Supporting a Global Movement

Supporting a growing network of advocates fighting for HIV prevention and global health equity

We prioritize skills-sharing and knowledge-exchange among communities, advocates, civil society, researchers, donors, policy-makers and other stakeholders, and work to cultivate and sustain dynamic partnerships that set bold and innovative agendas for HIV prevention.

Global and national policymakers, funders and partners, and researchers use various strategies to guide decisions on policy, funding and program choices. Civil society often has uneven and incomplete access to this information and are therefore less able to engage and advocate for inclusive and people-centered research, programs, products, and policies for HIV prevention that are based on evidence. 

Together with our partners, AVAC supports and fortifies a robust network of bold and informed advocates and coalitions to advance inclusive, effective, people-centered policies and programs and we do this by: 

  • promoting informed decision making, evidence-based advocacy and awareness raising around timely issues in HIV prevention research and product development, as well as integration with other related areas of health equity; 
  • informing civil society of and equipping them with the latest scientific evidence, policy and funding decisions; 
  • conducting and supporting programs and trainings to support civil society in conducting successful advocacy campaigns;
  • hosting and supporting mentoring programs that prioritize skills and power sharing, North-South solidarity, and impact-oriented advocacy.

The Latest on Supporting a Global Movement


PxWire Volume 15, Issue No. 1

In this special edition of Px Wire, AVAC is going beyond a quarterly update of biomedical HIV prevention. We look at how the new US Administration’s attack on global health can be expected to devastate HIV prevention, including the capacity to deliver existing PrEP options, the scale up of new PrEP products, and the paralyzing impact on research and development.

thumbnail of PxWire March2025 issue


Global Health in the Lurch: What’s happening now and who is pushing back?

A snapshot of global Health in the first weeks of the Trump Administration, this episode covers the impact of the US freeze on foreign aid to critical federal agencies and the HIV research pipeline and explores action in Congress and among civil society to push back.